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Bakás Blog

Living out from Shame and Bain

by Chachie Abara When it comes to mental health and wellness this terminology (Bain) can often be foreign to our own Filipino community. The words that are associated with these...

Living out from Shame and Bain

by Chachie Abara When it comes to mental health and wellness this terminology (Bain) can often be foreign to our own Filipino community. The words that are associated with these...

Reaching Out Amidst Darkness

Gabriela shares her harrowing journey through suicidal thoughts and the pivotal moment a simple interaction with her cat made her reconsider her decision to end her life. This turning point...

Reaching Out Amidst Darkness

Gabriela shares her harrowing journey through suicidal thoughts and the pivotal moment a simple interaction with her cat made her reconsider her decision to end her life. This turning point...